About Us
Currently, Information communication is the vital infrastructure for normal activities of society. In the world of the information communication, high-frequency radio plays an essential role as a key technology.
We are Tamagawa Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd. a professional manufacturer of the high-frequency wireless technology. Since the foundation in 1968, being the parent company, Tamagawa Electronics Co., Ltd. (in Japan) has consistently considered the need of high-frequency wireless technology products for always. Our missions are manufacturing products that can meet the needs of society and contribute to the development of information and communication in near future. With currently developed technology and know-how, Tamagawa Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd., acting as a leading expert of inherited high-frequency wireless technology, will continue to contribute to the development of society.
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About Quality
We are always striving to keep the production and manufacturing process under Japanese quality standards, to have our customers the supplying of high quality and advance products, we will continuously contribute to the development of an advanced information communication society.
We were certified ISO9001 and ISO14001 in 2017.
System Combiner/Multiplexer
Combiner/Multiplexer is an product that combines and shares more than 2 frequency. The product is designed with sub 6 frequency from 2G/3G/4G and up to 4.5 GHz for 5G-NR System.
It is equipped multi input ( 2/4/6/8 )and multi output ports ( 1/2/3/4) with waterproof function.
RF power Splitter and Directional Coupler, Hybrid coupler
Splitters, Directional coupler, hybrid coupler are used for distributing RF power from base station to antennas of IBS
Tamagawa have product overs frequencies range 700-2700 MHz, 700-3800MHz, so it can be used for various mobile systems.
Available for DIN7/16, 4.3-10 and Ntype.
RF Attenuator/Terminator
Coaxial fixed attenuator is coaxial non-reflective terminator with an allowable power of 1/5/10/20 and 100W. The operating frequency range can be used DC4GHz and attenuator value 3/5/10/20/30/40 dB.
Terminator is coaxial non-reflective terminator with an allowable power of 1/5/10/20 and 100W. The operating frequency range can be used from DC to 5 GHz.
Point Of Interface (POI)
The Point Of Inter Face (POI) is composed of several type of input and output ports. The frequency can be manufactured from 700 to 3500MHz of GSM/ WCDMA/ LTE and 5G NR system.
New trend is modular POI unit is easy to hot swap upgrade. It is suitable for IBS(In-building system) base station system.
High power active DAS
When traditional passive systems cannot transmit signals in high buildings, large capacity is required for coverage areas. DAS system with high power 20W and use of optical technology has helped to evenly distribute the power to be solved.
Digital active DAS
The digital system allows multiple frequencies and multiple operator to be combined together, prevent interference. With digital system. allowing the design in module will make the system compact and cost-effective.
Ethernet and optical are used in this solution.

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